Friday, October 30, 2009

scarlet letter zero draft

For this essay i am thinking about talking about how Hawthorne feels about society and the way that he portrays these feelings through his novel. I going to talk about the underlying transendentalist theme of society vs. nature that is found throughout the Scarlet letter. I will use the part of the book where Hawthorne describes in detail the rose that is growing outside of the prison door and how this perfectly portrays the portrayal of nature vs. society in the book. I plan on also making connections between Hawthrone's writing and the writings of whitman, emerson, and therou. I also plan to talk about the theme of society vs. nature is also found between hester and society in that hester represents the fruits of nature, and lives immersed in it while she is being shunned by society. I will talk about the way that hawthorne portrays society and unforgiving and evil, whereas nature is always beatiful and eminent.


  1. Sounds cool, as you said it sounds repetitive but I like how it all connects to the nature vs. society. I feel that it will be stronger that wya.

  2. WOW! this is getting really into it! its AWESOME! I wouldve never thought of that! i really really love this idea.

  3. Trevor,

    You might be best off keeping your focus on the rose. If you were to track its 'evolution' through the novel (from growing outside the prison door, to the narrator's plucking a blossom, to Pearl's association with the rose in chapter 7) you would be able to address some of these larger themes (the preference for Nature over Society, Hester's affiliation with the "sainted" Ann Hutchinson, etc.) without allowing the essay itself to spiral out of control
