Wednesday, October 14, 2009

What is UP with this Pearl chick?

So, pg. 90 " There was a fire in her and throughout her; she seemed the unpremedidtated offshoot of a passioante moment." Then also... pg. 117 "What, in Heaven's name is she? Is the imp altohether evil? Hath she affections? Hath she any disscoverable principle of being?- None,-save the freedom of a broken law." So the quotes aren't that long, but they're very interesting. So Pearl is all freaky-deaky because she is an offshoot of some ILLEGAL sex between Hester and A MINISTER. Talk about SIN. So here comes Pearl, birthed of some weird cosmic vibes, and she's like a devil child. Then the second quote, Dimmesdale and Hester already broke the laws, so then their child is like super lawless. She feels no obligation to the rules of society, but she UNDERSTANDS society, moreso than like anyone else in the novel. That's just weird. She's got some crazzyyyness in her.
So then, there's the concept of predetermination kinda. That the situation in which she was concieved created her as she is. SO what kind of situation creates you? If your parents are married and in love and happy, yay bright and shiny, then what kind of person are you? Blah, that's boring.
More about Pearl. Hawthorne definitely takes his description too far. Yes we get it, she's all impish and devilish. But she's beautiful, and eeriely intelligent. She's intruiging. I don't know, I want to hear about her, I want the author to explain her situation, her thoughts. Where will she go in life? She's such a leper in the community.
It seems that sin creates beauty, sin creates extreme intelligence. Isn't sin good??

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