Tuesday, December 8, 2009
huck finn
Monday, December 7, 2009
Huck Finn-Zero Draft
My main argument will be how I see Huckleberry Finn as mirroring America' s problems and obstacles (both past and present). This covers a large spectrum of the books controversy...
In terms of racism, I view the book as sort of having both, similarly our nation has both. The character in the novel are very diverse but somehow Huck manages to find a way to accept them all the way they are. Everyone from Tom (represents sort of a close minded, by the book aspect of society) to the King and the Duke (represent outcasts who have issues fitting in and resort to crime) I may do more character analysis or less..... Through this I can ultimately see that diversity can lead to tolerance....on occasion this is apparent in America as well. As well as the fact that though the ending is messy America is similarly confusing and disorganized at times.
*for this section i want to use quotes from the novel examplifying these points....
Another section will probably use quotes from critics to both agree and disagree with my main points .....Trilling maybe.....who else?
Its super rough....and i'll probably have to narrow down my argument but i am definitely open to suggestions :)
Huckleberry Finn- Zero Draft
My main argument will be how I see Huckleberry Finn as mirroring America' s problems and obstacles (both past and present). This covers a large spectrum of the books controversy...
In terms of racism, I view the book as sort of having both, similarly our nation has both. The character in the novel are very diverse but somehow Huck manages to find a way to accept them all the way they are. Everyone from Tom (represents sort of a close minded, by the book aspect of society) to the King and the Duke (represent outcasts who have issues fitting in and resort to crime) I may do more character analysis or less..... Through this I can ultimately see that diversity can lead to tolerance....on occasion this is apparent in America as well. As well as the fact that though the ending is messy America is similarly confusing and disorganized at times.
*for this section i want to use quotes from the novel examplifying these points....
Another section will probably use quotes from critics to both agree and disagree with my main points .....Trilling maybe.....who else?
Its super rough....and i'll probably have to narrow down my argument but i am definitely open to suggestions :)
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Zero Draft
Zero draft
Friday, December 4, 2009
Zero Draft
Free Software For PC's (Aka Dells)
Download, install, Run, Restart, Run again (if you feel special restart a second time.)
on CCleaner, run both the cleaner and the registry scan
The defraggler works like a people friendly defrag, and restart is reccomended after every defrag.
Racist but Worth teaching
Huck Finn is racist because it is accurate to the time. Though it is hard to read at times because of how well Twain sticks to the setting, during many scenes where Huck has a decision to make about Jim, it shows him becoming less and less accepting of the societal norm of viewing blacks as inferior. So, even though this book is offending for its use of offensive terms, for the most part it uses that racism against itself to make Huck view blacks as equals. Scenes from the novel that can support this include just after the fog episode, when Huck feels bad for tricking Jim, and when Huck decides to accept possibly going to hell rather than let Jim remain captured near the end. Linoel Trilling, among others, will be great a critic to site when it comes to supporting this point. Mr. Trilling’s words on the change in Huck’s moral character work towards proving that the development the boy supports an antiracist mindset.
This book should be taught in school because of the moral values behind it. If presented in the right light, it may be extremely offensive to many students, but seeing how such racism hurts others could be a wonderful tool in preventing it in the future. As long as the book can be presented before hand with a warning to the racism and controversy that surrounds it, and the teacher is sensitive to how it is effecting the class, the first four-fifths of the book is fine to teach. I feel that most people would want to finish the book, but personally, I feel that ending the book after Jim is captured again would be the best way to teach Huckleberry Fin because after this point the book looses much of its morality. Leo Marx would be a wonderful critic to site for this, because he shares this view with me, thinking that the last part of the book ruins the moral points.
Huck Finn- Human Weakness
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
huck finn zero draft
well first of all id like to say that i very much did enjoy this book
with exception to some few plot defects, it offers an adventuress exploitative plot for many that helps draw people into the book. Now this book is undeniable racist. Yes Mark Twain failed to right the perfect book without bias(ohhh no) haha. I am going to argue that this book is undeniable racist and it would be a false monstrosity if it was not racist. he would have to skew, stretch and fantify. U cannot argue that this book shouldn't be taught in school because it is racist. thats like saying we shouldnt teach history because past people choices have offended people its just bullshit. i feel like this book should be taught in high school solely because it generates such controversy.
Realisn, not Racism!

I believe that therefore this book should be taught in schools. I also believe that there should be an two sided argument in every classroom. just like mr. lavender has done with our class. DON'T YOU AGREE??!!??!?!?!?!
Huck Finn Zero Draft
If anything this novel also teaches good morals. The scene where Hcuk says that he'd go to hell for helping Jim gives a great feeling of toleration. He realized that this runaway slave was the same as him. It also shows the flaws in human nature, such as drunkenness, racism, trickery, and other things that humans do but are not considered good in society.
Like that chick in Culture Shock said, Twain "went for realism." The use of the n word was only historically accurate. Without using it, or making Jim sound like an idiot, the book would suck. The novel needed this elements, no matter if they may seem racist nowadays, to be successful and actually have a meaning.
I'll probably use Lionel Trilling's A Community of Saints to support this argument. He has many points that i agree with and could use
White Boy's Cant Jump... So?
So listen up lady, you can read all the books you want, and the chances are you might dislike some and you might love some, and other people will always have another opinion on the subject. So dont spoil someone else's love for adventure, especially if you have a skewed perception of the novel. To me, it appears to me that the only reason your daughter is so adamant about this subject is because without her support you would look psycho.
It this Book Racist? Should it be taught in schools?
Huck Finn Zero Draft
huck finn
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Nature and Society
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Um not sure why i am doing this but...
"Every human being created, was created with a mind, functional or not, all humans have one. The mind is an incredible thing, no mind is identical to one another, each mind is capable of creating new and unique thought and every mind has strengths and weaknesses. Whether minds are mature naturally or are developed through the actions, experiences, and choices of its host, each mind creates its own thought process, a way to view situations, develop theories, and create opinions. One of the beautiful things is that each mind is not like a book it cannot be read, it cannot be captured, and it cannot be directly controlled by any other being the its host. Yet the mind can, through vigorous discipline, keen attention to detail, and unrelenting observation can be studied. It is not easy to discern one’s process of mind it can be done. Ideas can be kept quiet and opinions can avoid the form of speech, but one cannot mask its actions! For every action is a decision, every decision is a choice, and all choices originate through a process of information, a prediction of outcomes, and moral judgment of the mind, these series of trials are the personal human process of mind. So therefore if one truly observes, studies, and evaluates the actions of a certain being they can link those actions to the process of mind that executed them. One of the first books to tap in to this murky, borderline dark study was The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne. In this book characters’ personal though processes are unveiled to the reader, yet Hawthorne still revolves all the actions of those characters around the fictional minds of the characters. Using Hawthorne’s exceptional work will help better clarify the process of studying one’s mind."
ya its alot but thats it. From there i will go into depth on Hester's mind process and relating them to her actions, for example her veiws on soceity eqaul her living away from it.
so... i doubt anyone will read this but if u take the time to i geuss u will have some comment on it. If you got this far i owe u a thank you. thanks
Friday, October 30, 2009
Rewarded for leaving society
Chillingworth conforms to the idea of society by seeking wrath, an ideal that only exists within civilization. Many examples exist in the book of Chillingworth planning his revenge, such as, “I shall seek this man, as I have sought truth in books…I shall see him tremble,” on page 69. Hawthorne describes the change in the physician through Hester’s eyes on page 148 when she observes that “the former aspect of an intellectual and studious man, calm and quiet… had altogether vanished and been succeeded by an eager, searching, almost fierce yet carefully guarded,” suggesting that wanting revenge has taken a toll on the old man. By the very end of the book Hawthorne has brought the old man to death, stating that “All his strength and energy….seemed at once to desert him; insomuch that he positively withered up, shriveled away, and almost vanished from mortal sight,” during his last year of his life. Because of Chillingworth’s want for revenge, a societal ideal, Hawthorne kills him by the end of the book, after making him an extremely unhappy person.
A similar thing happens to Dimmesdale, as the man refuses to discard society and its opinions for the entire book. He never bares a letter as to stay accepted by his fellow villagers, but it takes a great personal toll on his health and soul. His health quickly deteriorates descriptions of this plentiful in the book such as on page 107 where Hawthorne reveals that “with every successive Sabbath, his cheek was paler and thinner, and his voice more tremulous than before.” This is all because Dimmesdale will not admit to his peers that he committed a crime that would cause them to loose much respect for him, and end his life as a preacher. In the end though, the grief caused by bearing the lie kills Dimmesdale slowly from the inside out, once again showing that Hawthorne does not like those who are not willing to leave society behind.
Although Hester and Pearl don’t have much of a choice to leave society, their choice to remain in nature away from the poison of other’s opinions helps them in the end. Hester’s letter first marks her with shame, but because she stays strong the “A” eventually marks her with strength, and receives respect from the people of Boston. “They said that it (the letter) meant Able; so strong was Hester Prynne, with a woman’s strength.” (141) Hester does not end up with a wonderful ending, but because she stays away from society, she ends up with respect from the town, and even gives advice to many women who are also facing challenges like the one she did. Pearl’s luck to grow outside of society makes Hawthorne value her very much, and give her a wonderful life in the end. She has very wild outbreaks many times that would never be accepted in proper society, but because she doesn’t care and is willing to do her own thing, no matter the opinions of the others, she ends with a wonderful life. By the end of the book, “Pearl was not only alive, but married, and happy,” proving that the character who was furthest from the grip of civilization ended with the happiest story, Hawthorne loving her for her individuality.
Love vs. Hate
The Scarlet Letter
The "A" also takes different ironic symbols throughout the novel. Everyone sees the letter and sees it as a symbol of shame, but to Hester it's a symbol of hope and inspiration. When the meteors shoot through the sky in the form of an "A", Dimmesdale sees it as the a for what sin he had commited. Ironically, the rest of the community saw it as a symbol for angel for the Governors recent death.
Pearl also goes hand in hand with the letter, having a direct tie to her. When the letter goes, Pearl also goes. They cannot be separated.
This isn't totally complete.
explication- The Scarlet Letter
I want to analyze both his character traits and his many speeches and sermons in order to show to the readers the "deeper meaning" of Dimmesdale himself. I will look at:
-first sermon, one where Hester is on the scaffold... pg 62/ 63
-the people's view of their young minister
- the physical agony Dimmesdale is put through
- Chillingworths view of the minister (he is the only one that truly views him as a hypocrite)
-Dimmesdale's opinion on his own sin pg 124/125/126
Its like a really super rough draft.....I honestly don't know how i'm going to format it etc... Luckily I have till monday!!
A Flood of Sunshine
Scarlet Letter Essay-ish
pg 45 "Civilized Society [is] a prison."
Thoughts-Does the letter free her from the prison of society by exiling her into a world of shame? Are they, society as a whole, doing a favor for her through their ignorance?
pg. 52 "... as if her heart had been flung into the street for them all to spurn and trample upon."
Thoughts- This tries to explain the embarrassment and shame that she felt, but it never says that she thinks that she is wrong. She believes that what they did was amazing because she felt the love, which was nonexistent with her husband. In the beginning Hawthorne gives her the excuse that she didn't know that her husband was still alive. However, near the end when she has been living along her husband, she strives to go to Europe with Dimmesdale and Pearl in order to get away from their society. After all her hardships with the extravagant Scarlet Letter, she has not learned from her crime. By whole essay will be based on this statement. Any ideas or good quotes that come to mind, feel free to share! Thanks guys.
Sunshine Sunshine It's fine... I feel it in my skin, Warming up my mind
There are MANY instances that sunshine is used in, and some are:
on page 92, when Hester tells Pearl: "No my little Pearl!" "Though Must gather thine own sunshine. I have none to give Thee!" This to me, represents the innocence of Pearl. The sunshine will avoid Hester, because she has sinned, but Pearl can reach the sunshine, becasue she is not a sinner, and she sees society as it really is, a joke.
Another important representation of sunshine is page 160 where Pearl says: "Mother, the sunshine doesn't love you, It runs away and hgides itself! its afraid of something on your bosom." But let me cahtch it she says "for i am young and have nothing on my bosom yet."
this kind of follows the themse of innocence,
Ong scene on page 178 symoblizes the realtiuonship between Pearl and nature, and innocence...
guilt by colten
Essay Topic
Page 107 "I need no medicine," Dimesdale told Chillingworth. "Were it Gods will, I could be well content, that my labors, and my sorrows,, and my sins, and my pains, should shortly end with me, and what is earthly of them be buried in my grave,and the spiritual go with and my eternal state, rather that that you should put your skill to the proof of my behalf." Right the Dimesdale is trying to tell Chillingworth that he is just fine without medicine. That he can take care of himself without any ones help.
Again page 107 '"Ah," replied Roger Chillingworth..."it is thus that a young clergyman is apt to speak. Youthful men, not having taken a deep root, give up their hold of life so easily! And saintly men, who walk with God on earth, would fain be away, to walk with him on the golden pavements of the New Jerusalem." Right there Chillingworth is just telling Dimesdale that he Will be way much of a better person, and leader if he gets of medicine to take his strange pain away.
Men... Hesters Pain
scarlet letter zero draft
Hester and Pearls relationship
"look down at thy feet! There! before thee! on the hither side of the brook! Bring it hither!" Pearl responds to her by saying " Come thou and take it up" Pearl has grown up with seeing her mom wear that letter A. So when Hester takes off the A and throws it onto the ground Pearl sees almost a different person. It also offends Pearl because she is the living proof of her mothers crime. And when Hester takes off that it's almost saying that she doesn't want Pearl anymore. I think that Hester is done with wearing that letter A but it is something that she will always have to live with because Pearl will always be her daughter no matter what. When I read this passage I thought of the things that my mother and I have in common and that if she didn't have those features then she wouldn't be the same person.
I think that in this essay I will make a lot of references to my relationship with my mom and how I can see the trouble that Hester has to face buy I think that Hester has done a really good job raising her brilliant Pearl and that she should have no regrets.
Chillingsworth Zero Draft
Revenge and Love
Scarlet Letter Analytical Essay
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
OOh Scarlet Letter!!!!
"Necessity seized the old man within its gripe, and never set him free again, until he had done all its bidding. He now dug into the poor clergyman's heart." This quote really digs deeply, literally hahah (I thought that was funny...guess not), into the heart of human nature. Once someone has taken something or someone that was supposed to belong to us we feel the NEED to somehow get revenge and make that person suffer. It doesn’t matter the circumstances, it is all about pride and Chillingsworth was willing to do anything to achieve vengeance. What I found particularly interesting about this quote is the fact that Dimmesdale is the one that slept with Hester while she was married and he is the father of her illegitimate daughter yet in this quote Dimmesdale is portrayed as the victim. While Chillingsworth is definitely partly at fault, you would expect him to be the one receiving sympathy from readers. However, Chillingsworth has succumbed so deeply to anger and hatred, as many of us do, that he has become the monster.
UMM YA???? WELL..... UMMMM.... UH HHHHHH.... I THIINK.......???? (where am i)
"The Leech and His Patient"
Scarlet letter blog
post thing
Those damn Puritans
Scarlet Letter Quote
With this quote I think the reader begins to see the true affects of the scarlet letter. It captures everyone's attention; it shapes the way in which the entire general public bases their opinion. Not even Hester's own daughter (Pearl) can seem to turn her attention away from it. Pearl is constantly flinging objects, everything from flowers to burs, at her mother's letter. In a sense it seems as though wearing a scarlet letter for the rest of one's life brings upon more suffering and emotional scarring than a sudden execution.
Though, throughout the beginnning development of Hester's character I begin to question her true reaction to the consequences of the crime she committed. For one, she has embroidered the letter intricately ....does she want to draw attention to it? Second, she seems to completely ignore Pearl and the rest of the public when they judgingly stare at her. What keeps her sane?
Maybe she should get with Hughe Heffner too....
"In giving her existance, great law had been broken." this is true, and mr. Dimmsdale says: " save the freesdom of a broken law," he means by this that Pearl is special because she is a product of sin, so she is free to do whatever she pleases. This gives an angelic but devil sort of feel to Pearl, and i love her, no matter what anyone says hahaha
When the kids get smacked.
Scarlet Letter Blog Post
I particularly enjoyed this qoute because, well, it's very true. Especially after we were talking about the pyscho somatic effects of holding secret guilt, keeping a secret from a physician seems impossible. Once the physician sees the tangible effects on the body, he is obviously going to try to find the cause of them...ESPECIALLY WHEN THE PHYSICIAN IS CHILLINGWORTH! That is the second reason I like this quote so much, it is extraoidinarily ironic. The physician in this case is Rodger Chillingworth, the husband of Hester. If Dimmesdale was going to keep the secret from anyone it should be him. Yet, Dimmesdale is becoming intimatley close with Chillingworth, they are even living in a house together!!!!! So pretty much, it is inevitable that Dinnesdale's secret is going to come out. Oh Dimmesdale, what HAVE you gotten yourself into?
For Once Gossips Were Correct
Scarlet Letter Blog 1
Nathaniel Hawthrone--- The Scarlet Letter
I like this quote because of its relation to life and human nature. This quote shows Chillingworth's hunger towards her unfaithful wife's accomplice. Chillingworth desires nothing more then to find the man who had wronged both him and his wife. He demands his wife tell him the name of the man yet she refuses. this statement by Chillingworth, "Believe me, Hester, there are few things-wether in the outward world,or ,to a certain depth, in invisible shpere of thought-few things hidden from a man who devotes himself earnestly and unreservedly to the solution of a mystery" reachs down into the through core of the revenge seeking heart. When a man is fueled by a hatred of passion he will regardlessly and fully sacrafice his sheer exsistence to extract his revenge. Chillingworth states that no matter what she does he will discovered the identity of this foul crimson of a man. This shows how revenge though may not be the most effective way of motivation is the most powerful motivater of the human soul. Chillingworth will stop at nothing to achieve his goal, he is blinded to it. He no longer holds any other ambitions, or emotions, he need not rest nor sleep, only that fire down in his heart to compell him forward. Nothing in this world will compell and drive a man like the torment and hatred spawned by the desire of revenge
What is UP with this Pearl chick?
So then, there's the concept of predetermination kinda. That the situation in which she was concieved created her as she is. SO what kind of situation creates you? If your parents are married and in love and happy, yay bright and shiny, then what kind of person are you? Blah, that's boring.
More about Pearl. Hawthorne definitely takes his description too far. Yes we get it, she's all impish and devilish. But she's beautiful, and eeriely intelligent. She's intruiging. I don't know, I want to hear about her, I want the author to explain her situation, her thoughts. Where will she go in life? She's such a leper in the community.
It seems that sin creates beauty, sin creates extreme intelligence. Isn't sin good??
scarlet letter blog
The Scarlet Letter
- I like this quote because it describes how this letter that she has to wear on her chest makes her a different person. I imagine how it would be today if this kind of thing happened, which it does regularly. People don't have to wear a letter on their chest they just have to suffer with all the grief and guilt of committing the crime. What if today you cam into town and there was a lady standing in front of the courthouse with a baby. It would probably be a big deal and we as a community would want to know who the father was and all the nity gritty. I think that Hester does a really good job of keeping her feelings inside and not taking them out on her baby Pearl, and her peers. Honestly I feel really bad for Pearl because she was practically born into hell. I think that it is really difficult living alone and having to raise a baby all on her own . Pearl is saving her mom from being killed from her actions, and I think that Hester is aware of that and that's why she wants to teach her baby everything she knows and what is right and what is wrong. I can relate to single moms who have children and how people judge them. They don't know how they feels, yes it is the mothers fault but it's also the fathers fault. It takes two to tango and I think it is wrong that some men just knock a lady up and then just leave her. It's not fair to the child or the mom. Back then in Hester Prynne's time there was no child support or anything to help Hester along. So yes having to wear the Scarlet Letter on her chest does bring shame in some ways but it also shows that she has a lot on her plate and that this is making her a stronger person and I hope that she proves everyone wrong and raises Pearl to be a beautiful young lady who is really smart and means well.
The Scarlet Letter blog post
Pearl's False Perception
It is almost ironic, the fact that as Pearl is being compared to the devil, she is now the antithesis of the devil, avoiding a potentially harmful, and for sure sinful, situtation for her already corrupted mother. Pearl her can live up to her namesake as a treasure while she clears her name from false assumptions. Hawthorne once again uses irony to enhance the interpretation in his writing, as is present throughout his novel. With the use of "thus far" in the passage it almost feels like Hawthone may be foreshadowing into the book, showing that Pearl may help out her mother in similar situations involving the selling of herself to the devil. And she will be a light of hope at the end of the tunnel when things turn bad.
Friday, September 25, 2009
Whitman quotes exploration: Heaven and Hell for everyone
Equality Is A Chain!
Thursday, September 24, 2009
I doubt I'll use this in my final paper but it's an interesting rant
*So just tell me what you think about this, it's probably too informal and sarcasticy to use but I got going and just couldn't stop. Do you agree... typical American life? Anything I forgot?
The typical “American Dream”, what would Thoreau think of that? It revolves around ideas such as money and possessions, example: respectable job, white picket fence house etc. It seems society has a set path that should be the goal of everyone to follow.
It may go something like this: First you must attend high school. You should get good grades, impress boards and governments with high standardized test scores. You should also be social, have school spirit, make friends, and even have high school lover. You may also engage in after school sports and activities like soccer, theater or various school clubs (just make sure to be well rounded).
Then, it’s off to college. By now you should have gotten good enough test scores and achieved enough well roundedness to get into a prestigious college, possibly even an ivy league. Of course you were smart enough to get plenty of scholarships. In college you will take intellectual classes, be inspired by a professor and learn amazing things. Again, you will also have to be social and you will meet new people, live in close quarters with a dorm mate, go to college parties and have a few too many lovers. At this point you will also have to start thinking about getting a part time job, renting an apartment after few years, oh and figure out your future career path. After about four years you will earn your degree and graduate.
After that, you can step out into the “real world”. This means you will have to get a job. You will probably follow your planned career path and hopefully find some good paying job. You will work 5 hard, long days a week 9am to 5pm. The majority of your time will be behind a computer. At your job you will make friends with your coworkers, hate your boss, get promoted, and maybe even earn a bonus. At this point in the typical American life you will find your future husband or wife. This may include a) reconnecting with past high school lover, b) meeting someone at a party, c) (unethically) falling in love with someone from work, or d) meeting someone over the web on an online singles dating website! After buying your first suburban 3 bedroom, 3 bath house you will continue “settling down” by having a large, white wedding. It will be the best night of your life, besides high school prom. Then you will have two or three kids who are the cutest children in the whole world.
At this point you may go through a mid-life crisis, you might loose your job or get a divorce, or maybe both! This will be a hard time for you, but you will get through it along with your $80 and hour counselor. At the age of around 60 you will retire and live at home for a few more years. Then you will be moved into a retirement home, assisted living or nursing home. Here you will spend the rest of your days until you die.