Friday, September 25, 2009

Equality Is A Chain!

Ya so this isnt gonna be my first few paragraphs of my essay but im gonna basically make it on of my crazy rants that is unfair and ridiculous. Imataion is suicide, I fully agree with this statement. I believe that too many people take their lives and or their bodies and try too much to imitate the picture of perfect that has been painted in their mind by the media. Now I think that everybody should strive to be happy and beautiful these days because there is also a mass of people that don't strive for fittness and care little about their image, but the problem lies in the fact that nobody paints there own picture of beauty, happiness, or even freedom. When someone creates their own portrait and makes it a goal to strive for, they usually end up making the portrait because it is self set, yet if the picture perfect is set in your mind by something else there is nothing stopping it from being reset by an other image. Even if u reach your goal of imitaion then u r nothing, a hallow shell, a hallow shell to be jugded, toyed, and played with, much like a doll. (Now somewhere i have to transfer to equality) To many people believe in equality these days. Eqaulity will not set anyone free, Eqaulity is not a natural standard, Equality must be monitered by the people, it cannot be born! It will never be acheived! I feel that eqaulity is not freedom but chains! Chains that wrap both the great and the mediocre and drag them down to the level of the weak and un intelligent. Equality will not bring anyone up, it can not make someone smarter, nor can it make someone stronger in character, no it can only blind the masses to great! seeing everyone as equal is a joke a creul joke that people put blind faith in because they feel it is the right thing to do. You must see my point if everyone is viewed as equal than no one can stand out! No one man can rise to greatness through Equality. Equality is a perversion of natural order! it anchors the Excellent and drags them down into mediocrity. Ya so thats the plan ummm give me comments, critizims, help with the transition, or just yell at me all are welcome.


  1. First of all spell you, and are correctly. Secondly maybe you could add a little more about the media and other ways it has set an image in our heads. For example on most style magazines it constantly uses the word "sexy." Obviously one of the images in our heads is that you have to be sexy to get what you want or you even have to be sexy to have some guy like you. Also maybe you could explain more about the "hallow self." Like how are they judged, toyed and played with?

  2. No yelling.
    I like your thoughts about imitation. I think they're totally legit. BUT, just be aware of statements like, "the problem lies in the fact that nobody paints there own picture of beauty, happiness, or even freedom." because there ARE people who are their own selves, and have their own ideas of beauty etc, that certainly do NOT agree with the mainstream. These people exist, I promise. Maybe not so much in high school, but whatever. SO it might be interesting to make life hard for yourself, (if you want to do some more mental work, idk if you're down for that) and take the point of view of someone who has all these unique ideas, instead of saying everyone fits in, and everyone suffers.
    Ummm, I was gunna write about the Equality stuff, but this is long enough.

  3. I think you definetly have some strong points and I like that you chose the imitation is suicide quote. As Kelsey said though there are many people that do create their own vision of beauty and usually, not always, these are the people that do not involve themselves with others and take a part in social activities. So to a certain extent I completely agree with your arguement, but you have to remember that there are some social expectation. I do not thoroughly agree with these expectations, but the way the world is today so many people have taken hold of these that it has become a standard. Any individual should be able to look or act exactly they way they want to, but to be socially accepted in today's times you must be able to curve your thoughts in a way that other people can understand. Kind of went on a rant but I hope it is at least somewhat helpful and at least gives you a different view point.

  4. I think that you are generalizing way too much. Maybe you could add how nonconormity is conformity these days? "Stand out like everyone else." Media defenantly has a toll on how people view themselves, but what about pressure from the people around them. I hardly ever critisize myself on how a celebrity looks, I compare myself to people in our grade, in our school. People around me have more of an impact on how I feel about myself than the media. Maybe you can take that into consideration?

  5. Great idea Austin. I love Emerson's concept of "Immitation is Suicide" and am using it for part of my essay as well. I also like the comparision between equality and chains and totally agree. I am excited to read your next draft and good luck with this essay.

  6. haha ya soory about the yelling Kelsey got caught up in my rant

    thanks for the input guys
    if anyone wants to read my essay's rough draft just ask and i would be more then willing to return the favor
