Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Nature is the essence of life, it is a awesome phenomena that nature can support and provide for every living thing on this earth. Nature is the comforting home to all species of all types, it beauty captivates all people of every mind set. Its beauty is one thing that can unite all things, not only humans but animals as well. Nature can take grasp your attention and continue to amaze you to an unlimated extent. Nature to me is life of all species and the complete summary of what are Earth should be.


  1. Not many people appreciate nature the way you explain. Nature more commonly causes contreversies. Hippies versus builders. Ect. Nature is an innocent bystander and it gets ragged on constantly.

  2. I agree with chancee, people don't look at nature in the light that they should. Nonetheless you described nature beautifully.

  3. I really like this because while simple it really gets your message across, I especially agree with and like the statement in which you discuss that nature is the one thing that can unite everything in this world, so true.

  4. Emma is right when she points out how you manage to communicate your view clearly in so short a space (indeed, for such a relatively brief posting, this one has generated a lot of comments--still, I'd love to see you push your ideas even further in your next post).
