Sunday, September 20, 2009


I most deffinatly like Thoreau more then Emmerson or Whitman. The first reason is because i like the way he jumps around in his writing. For me, it is easier to follow because he doesnt drag on one subject for too long and bore me to death. I like the way he just flows with how he thinks now what makes sense. I also like that reading we did we like a journal entry rather then a speech or a letter. To me this kind of writing is more real to the reader and connects with people on a personal level not a formal level. I also like Thoreau because I like what he has to say. I completly agree with the statment..." To a philosopher all news, as it is called is gossip, and they who edit and read it are old women over their tea." I really like this because especially now a days, news is just all yellow journalism. There isnt much about things that actually matter, such as the state of the Planet in this global warming crisis, or about the soldiers over in Iraq. Instead it just talks about celebritys and the most recent puke siting from Linsey Lohan. I also really like Throeau because he is easier for me to read and get a grasp on what he is saying. He just all around appeals to me more, and is better for me to comprehend.

1 comment:

  1. Shannon,

    This "randomness" (the way a writer like Whitman skips around from one related topic to another) is something you may well be able to employ in your own essay, the one we'll be starting work on next week. Begin (as you sort of do here) by identifying those passages that resonate with you (for whatever reason), and then stitch them together with your own commentary on them. This could be a fun way for you to explore your own reaction to their central ideas (and to establish their relevancy in your own life).
