Thursday, September 24, 2009


So, this is whats going down in my brain. I have this feeling about music that is uncontrollable and give me the most amazing high on the planet, and i feel like thats how Emerson and his fellow writters almost feel about nature. SOOOO!!! i was planning on somehow intertwine the idea that the writes have about nature with how i feel about music. Like for example I could compare Whittman's quote: "I am no longer contained between my hat and my boots" and i could say that this is exactly how music makes me feel. BUT!!! I'm not exactly sure how I'm going to do it..... Sould i just have like one paragraph for each quote or what??!!! I NEED SOME IDEAS!!!!! Get that creative stuff flowing in your BRAINS!!!!



  1. WHOA!!!

    sorry about how short it is.. and the many grammatical errors! i do try my best :))

  2. chrysanthemum. i think thats such a good idea!!!!!!!!!!


  3. Very fitting....considering music is such a big part of you!!!!! It will be a challenge to relate the writings to your opinions about music, but its definitely do-able:)

  4. I agree with celine, it is definately a hard prompt but i'm sure you can do it. It seems like a quotation quilt would be the easiest, but you could also do some sort of short story format. You could tell a short story about a music experience and then bring the writers in, or just bring their quotes in through that. I dont know. I don't have any awesome ideas for you haha. Nonetheless, this is a good idea as long as you can pull everything together. Definately go in depth about how music makes you feel. :)

  5. i agree with Ali. I think one way to do this is to first talk about one song, or one "experience" with a song (do you get that? maybe?) and then relate it to being in Nature etc. You should probably be REALLY detailed when you describe your "experience" with the song, super juicy words! OH! it's going to be great. Horray

  6. ok i think that you should keep with the promt you had i think you should like for every quote that emmerson has you follow that with a song like every quote is different so every song is different ya know..??? like a bunch of different song and how they each make you feel in comaprison with the quote.. if htat makes any sense???? I think you should jsut like flow with it and not worry about essasy format or quote qilt and just wright but make it make sense... of course
