Thursday, September 24, 2009

blogalitious blogage by colten

Simplicity, simplicity, simplicity says Mr. Thoreau. I plan on basing my huge friggin essay on this quote and others like it by the authors we have read about. Thoreau seems to think that life can be lived in the utter simplest, even to “Instead of three meals a day, if it be necessary eat but one.” When stating that one should “let his affairs be as two or three” he is describing a life of malpractice and base which includes all experiences. To attempt something exciting and outrageous is good for the mind and body. As we have all had these experiences it is agreeable to say that to “only do something of this nature once or twice” is very difficult or very frustrating. The quote “Becha can’t eat just one” from the Lays Potato chip company is a good reflection of this because we all know that after you eat that first chip, you eat a second without even noticing, and in the end you take a whole handful for yourself. That handful is habit or daily routine, and due to the fact that humans are creatures of habit, Thoreau’s life at minimum cannot be possible. With today’s society and the “American dream” a life of simple pleasure goes against custom and is not accepted by others. Many “civilized” people own two houses, multiple cars (over two or three), and have lots of extra “crap” lying around that would not kill them to get rid of. Most use the words poor or unfortunate to describe the people who do not have those things and would “hate to have to live like that.” Really what is being said is that they would hate to live that “simpler life” without their idea of an acceptable lifestyle. We as a people do not want “to keep our accounts on a thumbnail” but we do want routine and most want to stay within their known “comfort zone.” Not trying something new means doing something over….. and over and over. I know this might be jumbled but it kinda sorta summarizes what I will write on. CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM ONLY.


  1. How are you going to write this essay? As in, how are you going to incorperate all these ideas into something in your life? Also in a journal, essay, or something like that

  2. This is really cool. What if you talk about how modern people can live a "simple life" without completely getting rid of all their material possessions. Like cleansing rather than purging? I don't know if that makes ANY sense at all, but that's ok. yeah i probably missed the point of your essay completely. Oh well. Good luck!

  3. Well dude, not to contradict, but like 60% of the world's population lives under the poverty line. That life IS simple, they live in this modern world. They don't even have clean water or enough food, they don't have an education, or family, they live in war. They can't be concerned with material bullshit, or gossip, whatever, they struggle to get out of the day ALIVE.
    Anyways that was just kinda an angry rant. But I'm confused. Do you like simplicity? Or do you disagree with the idea? Can someone have simplicity? Look at my life. It's a lot less materialistic than like say, some Blonde bitch from LA right? So there are degrees of seperation, but it's HARD to do. Can it be done enough to where we are all living in that irye state of mind?

  4. but unfortunately it seems as though even that poverty life is not simple. due to the fact that they struggle to survive a complex system of keeping a civilization alive.
