Monday, September 7, 2009

The Divinity School Adress

I like the way this is written first of all. Second I think i understand why Emerson was banned from speaking at Harvard after this speech. Emerson the whole time pretty much just dissed on why we need a religon. he talked often of how the word of God is preached. he said that the way it is done is not from the word of God but from the person who is preaching it. He says..."I believe, with numbers or the universal decay and now almost death of faith in society. The soul is not preached. The Church seems to totter to its fall, almost all life extinct..." This is an example of how Emerson felt. Emerson also states..." And thus by his holy thoughts, Jesus serves us, and thus only..." the one problem with this is that the whole christain community strives to serve Jesus. I think the way he talks about God and the relationship between God and man is why he got kicked out. I could be wrong though. There were a couple of sentences that i really liked in this speech. One..." is seemed as if their houses were very unentertaining that they should prefer this thoughtless clamor. It Shows that there is a commanding attraction in the moral sentiment, that can lend a faint tint of light to dulness and ignorance, coming in its name and place..." i like the way he words this and it flows together. One quote i also really like is "By trusting your own soul you shall gain a greater confidence in other men." I like this because it is so true about humanity and how self confidence coinsides with confidence in others.

1 comment:

  1. Shannon,

    Nice post! i especially like the way in which you identify and reproduce key passages, and then tell me why you were moved/inspired/confused/whatever by them. This is a good strategy, and one that I hope you continue to employ in future posts!
