Sunday, September 20, 2009

My Favorite

We have read many very talented inserts from famous authors. I have enjoyed reading many of them. They are some what confusing and hard to follow, but I like how I can some how relate to them. I enjoy how there is nature tied in with each piece of writing. My favorite piece of writing that we have read was Song of Myself by Walt Whitman. I really enjoyed this poem, it talks about loving yourself and celebrating the surroundings. This made me realize that some people don't give them self enough credit while others have their head to far in the clouds. This poem also confused me on how it jumped around from topic to topic, but I really thought that this poem was full of inspiration and really good thoughts.

1 comment:

  1. Christian,

    Not sure what you mean about "inserts" (excerpts?), but I appreciate the fact that Whitman, for all his disjunction (the way he skips around) seems to appeal most directly to your sensibilities (that, and all three writer's celebration of Nature). This may be a direction to take your first formal essay--focus on what tole Nature plays in your life, and then use Whitman to develop and explain that role.
