*So just tell me what you think about this, it's probably too informal and sarcasticy to use but I got going and just couldn't stop. Do you agree... typical American life? Anything I forgot?
The typical “American Dream”, what would Thoreau think of that? It revolves around ideas such as money and possessions, example: respectable job, white picket fence house etc. It seems society has a set path that should be the goal of everyone to follow.
It may go something like this: First you must attend high school. You should get good grades, impress boards and governments with high standardized test scores. You should also be social, have school spirit, make friends, and even have high school lover. You may also engage in after school sports and activities like soccer, theater or various school clubs (just make sure to be well rounded).
Then, it’s off to college. By now you should have gotten good enough test scores and achieved enough well roundedness to get into a prestigious college, possibly even an ivy league. Of course you were smart enough to get plenty of scholarships. In college you will take intellectual classes, be inspired by a professor and learn amazing things. Again, you will also have to be social and you will meet new people, live in close quarters with a dorm mate, go to college parties and have a few too many lovers. At this point you will also have to start thinking about getting a part time job, renting an apartment after few years, oh and figure out your future career path. After about four years you will earn your degree and graduate.
After that, you can step out into the “real world”. This means you will have to get a job. You will probably follow your planned career path and hopefully find some good paying job. You will work 5 hard, long days a week 9am to 5pm. The majority of your time will be behind a computer. At your job you will make friends with your coworkers, hate your boss, get promoted, and maybe even earn a bonus. At this point in the typical American life you will find your future husband or wife. This may include a) reconnecting with past high school lover, b) meeting someone at a party, c) (unethically) falling in love with someone from work, or d) meeting someone over the web on an online singles dating website! After buying your first suburban 3 bedroom, 3 bath house you will continue “settling down” by having a large, white wedding. It will be the best night of your life, besides high school prom. Then you will have two or three kids who are the cutest children in the whole world.
At this point you may go through a mid-life crisis, you might loose your job or get a divorce, or maybe both! This will be a hard time for you, but you will get through it along with your $80 and hour counselor. At the age of around 60 you will retire and live at home for a few more years. Then you will be moved into a retirement home, assisted living or nursing home. Here you will spend the rest of your days until you die.
Well, I have to say this is a prime idea, and would be interesting to hear how you would interpret Thoreau's opinion. You are slightly repetitive, and though I'm guessing this is not your final draft, I would suggest straying away from saying "at this point" and "again" too often. Also, possibly spicing this up a bit would be good, because at this point it is pretty bland. I can't wait to hear the final draft, as you have already caught my interest in this blog post.
ReplyDeleteNina... ok i really really really like this alot. a few suggestions though... i think you should just get trid of that last paragraph completly and stick with the and then your kids will be the cutes thing in the whole world... and i think then you should talk about what emmerson would think... i really like how you go throuhg the steps of high school, and college this really goes out to the reader and you totaly got i right on.. hahaha. i think this is a really good topic and you s hould stick with the sarcastic and informal tone... its great! cant wait to hear it.
ReplyDeleteI like it but I don't really comprehend where you are taking it. The American Dream is really an interesting topic and a fun debate to discuss what really is the American Dream? But once you come up with your topic I am sure this will work out well. So yeah maybe just explain to me what your idea is and then I will understand and be able to help you out home skilletz
ReplyDeleteNina, you make me smile!!! I also hate the fact that we are all expected to have the same dream, if one doesn't think college is the right path they are seen as crazy, and if marriage doesn't seem like a good fit for someone, again that person is criticized. I think this could be a good topic but like Dan, I don’t really know where you are intending to go with this, but I think it definitely has some potential.
ReplyDeleteYeah, I agree with Emma...the subject matter makes for a strong arguement. I would shorten the whole segment on "The american dream/life" mainly because there are some unecessary details....or too much information. It will be fun to read it in the end...try not to sound too cynical ;)