Wednesday, September 2, 2009

To What End Nature?

Nature is a home to many, a provider of all, and has the awesome force to shape lives, but her purpose lies much deeper than these simple answers. She is certainly a home on the surface, but not only as a structure one dwells in. Nature provides her living creations with a safe haven, affection, and, above all, a feeling of acceptance for all, no matter what ugly past a being may have. Nature is not judgmental to any of her creations that have arisen from opportunity she presents. A provider is yet another roll nature plays, but not because of organisms demanding she be. Nature’s soft touch gives us what we need for survival, and more because of her own love for all those who live within her. Like a parent, she seems to give and give, receiving little in return, but is too enchanted with her children to stop the steady stream of gifts. An extremely powerful force, nature has the authority to give form to beauty and tear her creations apart at will, all for what she sees would benefit the most. Though some of Nature’s actions seem crew, others are more generous than anything any other could offer us. Nature must work to continue the movement of time. It would be easy to state that nature’s purpose is not for our own use, but a will rather, to nurture and love all those she has created as they cut though time.


  1. Soooo Dana I really enjoyed how you personified Nature as a mother to all creations and used the term "her." That makes this seem really personal and such. The entry is very well written and your sentence sturcture was nice and stong. I still need to read your book by the way. Okay yes

  2. WHOA. ummm I agree with everything said here so It's kind of hard for me to post anything except GOOOOOD JOB.

  3. I, too, really admire this post. But it leaves me wondering: from whence derives Nature's "authority"?
