Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Man and Nature, Hand in Hand

As civilization becomes more modernized, the relationship between man and nature has declined in dedication. Long ago humans coincided with nature in a peaceful harmony. But eras have progressed and now, this once personal relationship has fallen apart as humankind grows destructive to our great outdoors; whether it be via war, logging, or the crime of polluting. To acheive this forementioned harmony, one by one man must realize the true beauty and benefits of rekindle the interconnction that was once present. You can go for a hike, recycle, or start a environment club. Any of these would make this alliance closer and closer and fulfill nature's purpose of going ahnd in hand with man.

This relationship is meant to prosper as plants give us life, we give them life, and other organisms give us energy to keep on going. This creates a balance that can be maintained and make the atmosphere healthier. Nature creates a life that is more enjoyable and easier to live by making Earth a great place to be. As you breathe in the mountain air and listen to a nearby stream you can truly appreciate and understand that this relationship between nature and man is meant to be.


  1. I dig it Dan. One problem I have with it is, although society is more removed than ever from nature in our modern era that does not necessarily mean that our relationship has fallen apart. In fact, I would say that it is almost more appreciated because there is less of it left. Almost like missing a loved one, when they are with you every day, one tends to devalue the connection, but once they are gone for a time, you end up doing all that you can to savor the next moments you have with them. It is the same when you are removed from Nature for a time, and brought back to it. You start to appreciate all it's worth much more so than you did before.

  2. This was a really good comparison of the past and present. It gives you a visual of the before and after progress of nature, it shows how much things have progressed as well as fallen apart. I do believe man has lost this "partnership" with nature, but it doesn't mean that it can't recreate a friendship.

  3. A good post, Dan (one that engendered a couple of thoughtful comments). I enjoyed reading it over again (and I like your 'hand in hand' variation on Emerson's "face to face").

    Good job on this!
